Arctic Animal Line Tracing (free download!)
Tracing is a great fine motor skill to work on with preschoolers! It can really help strengthen those fine motor muscles and increase accuracy and precision when writing. We have created this cute arctic animal tracing practice sheet that is perfect for your winter or arctic preschool unit! Be sure to grab the free download at the bottom of this post.
You will need:
Arctic animal tracing sheet (free download below!)
Crayons, markers, or pencils
Optional: Small manipulatives (gems, counters, erasers, etc.)
Download and print the arctic animal tracing sheet.
Give your child a crayon, marker, or pencil and let them help the animals get to their food!
Optional: if your child isn’t ready to write with a tripod grasp yet, you can have them put small manipulatives on the lines instead. Mini erasers or tiny gems or any kind of counter would work well!
Free Download
Click the button for the free download!
Watch this short video to see the download in action!
Download our Feed The Shark Math Addition game for your Ocean Preschool unit!