Feed the Shark Math Game

We have a super fun math game for you today that is perfect for your preschool ocean unit! Our Feed the Shark Math Game is a great way to practice number recognition, counting, and one-to-one correspondence with your preschooler. Be sure to grab the game in our shop! Keep reading for all the details on how to play.

You will need:

  • Feed the Shark Math Game Download (grab it here!)

  • Dice

  • Counters (we used penguin crackers but you can use anything)


  1. Download and print the Feed the Shark Math Game mat. We laminated ours for extra durability.

  2. Have your child roll the die. Practice counting how many dots are on the die.

  3. Place that many counters into the shark’s mouth. Repeat and have fun!

  4. You can use two dice and practice adding the counters together, or you can start with the counters in the shark’s mouth and “rescue” them by subtracting how every many you roll. There are lots of ways to modify this game!


Watch this short video to see the game in action.

Feed the Shark Game

Find this fun math game in our shop, right here!

Be sure to check out these other blog posts before you go:



Ocean Math Puzzles