Metal Detectives
Who's ready for a fun little science activity? Let your kids explore the world of magnets in a super simple way. No set up required!
You will need:
Give your kids some magnets.
Tell them they are detectives and they have to find things throughout the house that the magnets with stick to!
After they've done some detective work, talk about how magnets work a little bit!
Activity Notes:
If your kids are little like mine, simplify! Make it super easy and fun. If they are a little older, get more into the information. Use Google to find random facts about magnetics that you think they might find interesting.
Once they have gone through your house for metal items, send them into the garage! Lots of stuff there to keep them busy!
Sometimes they have magnifying glasses at the dollar store. My kids get really into using those while playing pretend!
Download our Feed The Shark Math Addition game for your Ocean Preschool unit!