Pom Pom Ice Cream Cone Sensory Bag (free download!)
I've been hearing about these mess-free gel sensory bags and they looked way too fun not to try. So we decided to make one that involves counting ice cream scoops because 1) we're obsessed with ALL things ice cream and 2) my kids never say no to pom poms.
You will need:
Ziplock bag
Rubbing alcohol
Cotton ball
Clear hair gel
Pom pom balls (try to match the colored dots on the ice cream cones)
Ice cream cone printout with numbers (download below!)
Use rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball to remove the white ziplock label on the bag.
Take the hair gel and dispense into the ziplock. Begin with a little and add more as needed.
Add pom poms to the bag then mix them into the gel. Ensure the colors and amount of pom poms coordinate with the colors/numbers on your cones.
Try to remove as much air as possible before sealing the bag.
Next, get your cardboard and try have it be about the same size as your ziplock bag. Cut where needed. (We used a cereal box and one side of it was about the correct size.) Place the bag of gel on top of the piece of cardboard and then tape down the edges, leaving one side open like a pocket.
Now print out the document of your colored and numbered ice cream cones (free download below) and slip it between your ziplock back and the piece of cardboard through the open side so that you can see the cones through the gel.
Your sensory bag is now ready to use! Have your child move the "ice cream scoops" (pompoms) through the bag to the correct cone. The gel will hold them in place, but also allow for easy movement. Watch them stack them up and try again and again. They can count out each pom pom as they go and name the colors.
Free Download
Click the button below to download the free printable!
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