Flower Petal Math Activity (free download!)
Spring time is coming and we just can’t wait to celebrate the season with our preschoolers! We have a fun and easy math activity for you to day that is perfect for Spring, or for a flower or plant unit. Keep reading for the instructions and make sure you grab the free download at the bottom of this post!
You will need:
Flower Petal Math Sheet (free download below!)
Dice (like these)
Markers or crayons
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Download and print the flower petal math sheet.
Have your child roll a dice and count how many they rolled.
Write the number in the middle of the flower, then have your child draw that many petals on their flower.
Decorate and add details when all of your petals are drawn!
You can adapt this activity to practice addition. Just roll two dice and add them together to create the petals!
Free Download
Click the button below to grab the free Flower Petal Math sheet!
Watch this short video to see the activity in action!
Check out these other posts for more springtime fun!
Try this fun O is for Orange sensory art activity with your preschooler. Be sure to grab the free download!